Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Always Happens? Life.

Once again life has got in the way of blogging. I have finally handed in my Final Major Project and henceforth completed my Foundation Degree. All I need to go back for is the end of year exhibition them I'm outta there faster than you can say Louboutins.
Standard my luck I came down ill with VERTIGO of all things a week after finishing uni so I've spent most of my time trying to control my dizzies with numerous drugs and fluids.

So what's new? Well. I bought this snazzy jacket off ASOS to wear to my boyfriend's sisters birthday outing in shrewsbury & I'm kind of obsessed with it.

I've bought a lot of things from work but the only decent photo I have is of me in these Eastern Tropic trousers which are super comfortable and worth the weird looks I get when I wear them.

This was my happy face on the last hand in day of uni, & my top was a H&M bargain at just £4.99.

I ended up getting tipsy with my friend once we'd handed in so we went drunk shopping & I ended up buying this tropical little dress from Topshop.

It's been a whole year since I last had my hair cut/coloured and it's finally getting to a healthy natural length & my roots are massive enough to be classed as dip dye now so I guess that's cool?

I got these Topshop shoes off eBay for an amazing £19.99, they were brand new with the original £60 stickers on them, loves it.

IT'S BEEN SUNNY! Well.. until today, but I did manage to squeeze in a couple of summery outfits for the occasion. 

The lovely Mailbox in Birmingham looking very patriotic for the jubilee.

The only place I love to eat in Birmingham.. BODEGA!

My little guy enjoying some sun with me.

Finally an excuse to wear my Tavik swimsuit that I probably paid way too much for....

A new scented nail obsession.. Revlon's "beach" mixed with "zealous".

&&& my new shoe fetish.. Jeffrey Campbell Ponytails from Harvey Nic's. Yes.. I know I have never really understood the craze with the old Jeffrey's, but I think that's mainly because I find the Lita shoes really unflattering.. But these are much more up my street.

Jeeeeez what a massive post! BUT now I'm up to date & don't have blogger's guilt anymore.
Well good night for now